Gender Equality Policy

Gender Equality Policy

Core Values

RPN’s core values are Growth, Passion, and Trust. These represent the foundation of our way of thinking and acting. The company is committed to nurturing a culture of openness, respect, and collaboration aimed at valuing employees promoting inclusion, and enabling everyone to perform at their best, in line with the company’s mission.

Policy Objectives

Inclusion and Equity: Management is responsible for ensuring equity, inclusion, and non-discrimination, intervening in cases of disrespectful behavior.

Development and Valuation of Diversity: The entire management team must promote the appreciation of diversity, ensuring professional growth opportunities and adopting selection strategies that respect equal opportunity principles.

Inclusive Culture: Spread an inclusive culture through training plans that overcome stereotypes and highlight the added value brought by diversity.

Well-being and Motivation: Improve employee well-being and motivation through corporate welfare services.

Establishment of a new role and committee “People, Organization, and Finance Committee”

The company has established the role of Diversity Manager and the People, Organization, and Finance Committee to ensure the principles of Diversity & Inclusion. The Diversity Manager facilitates the integration of employees and views diversity as a strategic benefit to the organization. The Committee, composed of HR Directors and Managing Directors, oversees gender equality and handles reports of non-compliant behavior.

Reporting and Sanctions

All employees must respect the rights and dignity of every person, promote diversity, and recognize their biases. Violations of the Policy may result in disciplinary actions proportionate to the severity of the infraction. Reports of violations may be submitted to the Committee via email, ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation.

The policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed.


Reports of harassment

The Company has identified the roles of Diversity Manager and the People, Organization and Finance Committee for the protection of diversity in order to ensure the principles contained in the D&I policy.

The Diversity Manager will be responsible for promoting the integration of every employee and collaborator, regardless of their diversity. Additionally, they are tasked with treating diversity as a strategic asset and understanding how it can benefit the organization.

The Diversity Manager works by sharing activities, initiatives, communications, corrective actions, and projects with the People, Organization and Finance Committee.

It has been created as a listening and contact point where any non-compliant behavior with the principles contained in the D&I policy can be reported.

In the event of reported policy violations (received via the dedicated email “” or through anonymous and non-anonymous Forms), the Diversity Manager promptly requests a meeting with the Committee to discuss the issues raised and potential corrective actions.

Every report received will be analyzed confidentially and without any form of retaliation, subject to legal obligations.